On discovering a fire:
• Sound the alarm;
• Call the Fire Service by dialling (9)999 (be prepared to give them the address of the building);
• Summon help and if possible (without taking personal risk and only if trained to do so) attack the fire with available equipment, leave by the nearest exit.
• Notify University Security 01223 (3)31818.
On hearing the fire alarm:
• Close your window and door;
• Check adjacent rooms and warn the inhabitants if they have not heard the alarm;
• Do not stay to collect any possessions;
• Leave the building quickly by the nearest available exit and warn the person in charge of any person known to be missing;
• Do not use the lifts;
• Go to the assembly point;
• Notify University Security 01223 (3)31818.
If you suspect a gas leak within a building:
• Turn off the gas supply if possible;
• Do not operate electrical switches or fire alarms or create any sources of ignition;
• Open the windows;
• Call the National Grid Emergency Line 0800 111 999
• Contact University Security 01223 (3)31818.
Loss of power to an entire building/area:
• Call the UK Power Networks Emergency Line 0800 783 8838
• Contact Estate Management help desk 01223 (3)37784.
• Out of hours contact University Security 01223 (3)31818.
Never attempt to drill or tamper with University buildings (walls, floors, etc). In the event of discovering asbestos/suspected asbestos contact Estate Management help desk 01223 (3)37784.
Suspicious packages
• Do not touch the package;
• Remove all persons from the area;
• Contact University Security 01223 (3)31818 immediately.
Security issues
In cases of serious or imminent danger, contact the police on (9)999 immediately and also ring the University Security 01223 (3)31818.
First Aid
Posters are displayed in buildings which list the trained First Aiders close by. Please see our list of First Aiders to find your nearest one.
In the event of a significant injury call an ambulance immediately on (9)999 and then contact a First Aider.
Incident reporting
Report all incidents, accidents and near misses using the Accident, Dangerous Occurance & Incident Report Form on the Safety office website and pass to your DSO.
Health and Safety Union Representatives
The University supports Health and Safety Union Representatives by arranging for allocated time to be spent on health and safety duties. All members have access to discuss safety matters with their local union representative.