UNISON helps its members resolve problems or issues related to work and home. Whether you are being bullied, want to find out more about your rights to flexible working or need help with your finances, UNISON can offer you confidential advice.
The UNISON Knowledge Base provides up-to-date and legally checked information on employment rights and key issues affecting people in the workplace and at home.
UNISON can help you in many ways, both at work and at home. If you are not sure who you should contact for help, or where to find the information that you need, this section of the website will help you find it.
UNISON needs you. Did you know that people in workplaces with union reps statistically earn more, get more holidays, get better training and are less likely to be discriminated against?
Every member of UNISON belongs to a branch. Why not get active by going along to a branch event to meet other UNISON members and find out what the branch is doing? You’ll be made very welcome and it’s a great chance to find out more about what the union is doing for you.