Welcome to the Health & safety pages
Unison is committed to ensuring the health and safety, welfare and environment of staff in their place of work is acceptable and staff are not put at risk. We monitor and offer advice on working conditions, safe use of equipment and systems of work, policy and procedures throughout the University.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to your Health and Safety Rep please contact the Branch H & S Officer.
International RSI Day - 28 February 2018
The aim of International RSI Day is to focus on this avoidable but all too familiar repetitive strain injury. RSI and other musculoskeletal disorders (MSD's) including back pain and injury, plus heavy loads and cramped conditions, feature high within the top five health and safety concerns raised by UNISON safety reps.
Aches, pains, or strains; or asking our bodies to do too much can lead to serious and permanent injury or disability. Employers must ensure that our work doesn't harm nor injure us.
Please help by downloading the poster here and putting it on your staff noticeboard.
Quick survey - 20 minute breaks?
Do you get a break in your working day? Finish late but expected to start early the next day? Many staff are not aware that the times they work and the breaks they should have fall under the Working Times Regulations 1998
Take our short survey to tell us a little about your working week, https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7YDRRS5